Strategy, Concept, Art Direction & Design
Strategy, Concept, Art Direction & Design
This interactive wall/installation is designed to help healthcare practitioners at conferences, events, etc… appreciate the advantages of using Anoro, when treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients.
Based on the same concept, the iPad app is designed to help Medical reps as they visit healthcare practitioners treating COPD.
These patients suffer from low oxygen in their blood, hence their very pale/blueish skin tones).
Blowing on the screens from the installations’ Anoro spot turns the patient’s b/w pictures into full-colour images – thanks to Anoro’s benefit of 2.4 increased lung capacity. Yet, when blowing on the screens from the competitor’s spot, the result is ‘pale’ in comparison.
The interactive walls/displays capture changes in temperature, moisture and air pressure using ultra-sensitive sensors. These are programmed to react to the users’ interactions, transforming the patients’ portraits as their natural colour returns to their faces.
(Click on images to enlarge)