Astrazeneca – Eklira & Duaklir iPad App Design
iPad App – IA / UX & UI Design
iPad App – IA / UX & UI Design
My brief was to design a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Sales Aid for medical reps, offering doctors a more informed choice of new bronchodilators for treating COPD.
Stakeholders’ insight was key to creating an empathetic design experience, that could be delivered in an unobstructed, ‘easy-to-breathe’ fashion. This strategy was also applied throughout the technical development stages of the app.
Of course, as an interactive mobile sales aid, this was packed with medical guidelines, patient profiles, medical studies, references, etc… yet, all delivered with a quick and easy navigation interface.
The final design included two different creative design routes.
The client was so delighted with the results, that they bought both creative design routes.